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Billing, Insurance & Financial Assistance

Thank you for choosing Marshall County Hospital for your health care services. The following is important information about the billing process that we hope you find helpful. Should you have any questions, please contact our business office by calling 270-527-4800, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

You may also receive separate bills for services rendered by your physician, anesthesiologist, radiologist, pathologist or Emergency Department physician. These bills are not generated by Marshall County Hospital; therefore, you should contact the appropriate entity for inquiries.

For overview of billing and collection policy, click here.

Marshall County Hospital Summary of Financial Assistance Policy-Plain Language Summary

Marshall County Hospital (MCH) provides medically necessary services to all patients regardless of ability to pay. The goal of the Business Office is to help all patients understand their medical bills and work with patients to arrange a fair and equitable payment plan for both the hospital and the patient. MCH does not charge interest on any outstanding balances.

Marshall County Hospital offers the following financial services to assist patients with their bills.

To view the MCH Financial Assistance Policy, click here.

To view the MCH Plain Language Summary, click here.

Prompt Pay Discounts
Marshall County Hospital offers a prompt-pay discount which will be given to all patients who pay the private pay portion of their bill in full within 30 days of their first statement. To view the policy, click here.

Disproportionate Share Hospital Program (DSH Program)
What is the DSH Program?

Marshall County Hospital participates in the State of Kentucky's DSH program. Under DSH, Medicaid participating hospitals in Kentucky provide inpatient and outpatient hospital coverage to qualified individuals and families. If an individual covered by DSH receives hospital services, the covered individual is not billed for the hospital service.

Who is Eligible for DSH?
Individuals and families residing in the state of Kentucky who do not qualify for Medicaid may qualify for DSH if their income and resources are within DSH program guidelines. An individual's or family's gross annual income is considered and is compared to the appropriate family size. Any patient who is eligible for financial assistance under the DSH Program, will not be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than the amounts generally billed to individuals who have health insurance covering such care.
For the amounts generally billed, click here.

For More Information About DSH
Please call the toll free number 1-877-846-0080 and a representative will be glad to assist you with your DSH eligibility.

How do I apply?
Applications and copies of the DSH Policy are available in both English and Spanish. A copy of the full financial assistance policy and application may be obtained by:

  1. Accessing the application for Marshall County Hospital: final.pdf click here.
    To view and print your copy of the DSH application in Spanish, click here.

  2. Requesting a copy from the financial counselor at Marshall County Hospital, 615 Old Symsonia Rd., Benton, KY 42025, 270-527-4800.
  3. By requesting a free copy be mailed to your home address, 270-527-4800.

Marshall County Hospital financial assistance policy will not apply to any services by the physicians and other healthcare providers included in this list: click here.

Payment Plans
Marshall County Hospital offers interest free payment plans to all patients. Patients who cannot meet the criteria above will be given the option of completing a Financial Assistance Request form and applying for special arrangements.

Paying Your Bill
In order to make it easier for the patient to pay their bill, Marshall County Hospital accepts payments in a variety of ways. Marshall County Hospital accepts Visa, MasterCard, or Discover debit and credit cards.

  • By mail with check, debit card, or credit card
  • Online at
  • By phone with a debit or credit card
  • In person with cash, check, or debit or credit card